
知道英国是雾都的说法,也有很多好玩的地方,所以一直想去体验一下,然而一直都没有找到机会,所以一直都是心心念念的一件事了,还好的是听说朋友有去英国留学的想法,我还以为她是就那么一说,没想到已经在了解着了,就连英國升學 的制度也有了解了一些,感觉上真的不是说着玩的,这么一说的时候就连我也动心了,然后刚好英國升學 她已经了解了一下,要是真的去的话,还能和她一起,所以就一直在想着这件事,有了一点眉目真的是很好的了。

chinese writing class

After graduation, I and my friends went to a school, we go to the chinese writing class, a good friend of mine and I love chinese writing class Chinese writing, in class we can also learn a lot of things now, I and my friends went to work with a newspaper. I and my friends are very love their work, the Chinese writing class is very good, the two of us work is also very serious listening to the teacher, the teacher is very good, it is also very interesting words, for a period of time that the feeling is very happy to go to school. My friends and I like university time very much. We have a very happy day there, and now my sister is on Chinese writing class.


真的是第一次做這個機場接送呢,就真的是沒有想到,原來現在很多人都是會為了方便也就還是直接機場接送了,也還不用別人來接你,就自己也特別是不怕迷路的,這次我也就還是體驗了一次呢,因為我去找朋友的時候,她正好開會呢,就一直都是特別的忙的,就說是讓我自己過去呢,當時還想自己怎麼過去呢,結果沒有想到就是現在這個機場接送也還是很方便的,現在就經常會這個機場接送的,感覺到真的 又方便又好的。

5 Star Hotel Taipei

When I went to Taiwan to visit my friends, I was going to own Star Hotel Taipei read the book 5, my friend and I can play well in Taiwan for a period of time, but I did not think I should stay friends in their home, there is no way I had to put himself at 5 Star Hotel Taipei return reservation when I was away, I don’t want to be back, or directly buckle me a lot of money to do, but I did not think that this is the 5 Star Hotel Taipei not only did not readily give me back to the house, but also did not buckle me any moment of my own expenses, for 5 Star Hotel Taipei very good impression, if I have to have the opportunity to choose 5 Star Hotel Taipei.

日本 房地產

我現在的這套房子就是當時我剛來這邊工作的時候,我老爸為了讓我自己方便一點就直接去日本 房地產公司裏面給我購買了這套房子,當時我自己還是特別的驚訝了,那天我剛下班就接到我老爸的電話說是他在我們公司的樓下面,讓我快點的下來了,哎,當時接到這個電話我還以為是出了什麽事情,可是怎麼也沒有想到他是給我在日本 房地產公司裏面購買了一套房子,給我送鑰匙了,當時我自己還想著拒絕可是在看到日本 房地產公司的房子那么好,我立馬就答應搬到裏面住,不在公司安排的地方住了。





沖繩 潛水

夏天最好玩的地方應該算是沖繩 潛水了吧,因為天氣太熱,不管去哪裡都是熱的,但是在水裡的話,那就不一樣了,於是我就跟我的幾個朋友約好我們幾個一起去沖繩 潛水,他們聽我說是要去沖繩 潛水呢,也很興奮呢,話說是既然我們都開車要去沖繩 潛水呢,那就索性在哪裡多住幾天,反正這幾天由於高溫天氣我們也不想運作我們的生意,所以我們就拿了平時用的生活用品,準備在沖繩避暑呢,而且我的家裡人也都說是讓趁著這段時間好好放鬆一下呢。



kyoto private tour

Sometimes when I saw other people go to this that the play will want to go out when the day he also can the good, which is a lot of people worry about me yet, because of the extreme lack of sense of security, so I think what time can go out to play is good. Friends say go now, so convenient what can be solved, just like when you can’t find the car at the airport, kyoto private tour in the online booking, it is solved, so go out to play basically do not have to worry about these, I say kyoto private tour this way then do I really convenient, it is the first time I heard friends say it is of course very convenient.