
让朋友给我台北商务酒店推荐结果他给我推荐的是普通酒店,起初我还以为是给我的台北商务酒店推荐,结果我去了台北之后根本不是我想要的酒店。于是我就自己上网查看,但是网上毕竟不是那 么真实,可信但是也不可全信。后来我还是没有在网上决定,还是决定在找朋友给我台北商务酒店推荐。于是我就联系到了我原来的同事让他给我台北商务酒店推荐,这次我这同事靠谱,给我推荐 完了我就直接过去了。果真和我想要住的商务酒店完全一致。

Taipei luxury hotel

Xiaolin back home gave me a dad took her there, that is to a Taipei luxury hotel where particularly good that Taipei luxury hotel inside, there is a lot of good, there are some toys what is particularly fond of the Taipei luxury hotel, I was because it was the task at hand is not done, it can not accompany them to go, and I feel very sorry, but this Taipei luxury hotel I am also very fond of, always wanted to go, but this still did not go into, I think in the future there will always be time to go, is there to listen to Xiaolin told me at this Taipei luxury hotel there how to play how happy, I’m happy as long as she happy.

日本 酒店

聽之前幾個去日本出過差的同事說日本 酒店怎麼好怎麼好的,我當初還真不相信。因為我這些年也沒少去過一些地方,什麼樣的酒店我也大多都住過,也算是有些見識了。但是我去了日本之後來 到了日本 酒店我也驚訝了,難怪不論哪一個同事去完日本回來以後提起日本 酒店都是有那麼一套說詞。我也確實沒有想到日本 酒店會是這麼完美,從外表,到內在,各種服務等等。都是我從來 沒有見識過的,我之前還以為同事們在誇大其詞,結果說的都是事實。

government job

Think I still desperately looking for work last month, and now I have to find a formal job, and is in the (government job) I feel really good, although it is still only at the school stage, but I think my the ability to fully do the job, so do not worry about losing this (government job). I want (government job) because feel if a government department, then the treatment will certainly quite good, so I give it a try, and did not expect to actually interview a success. I along with training and another new colleague, until one month after the necessary tests, hoping to pass, it can make a formal employee.



Taipei ximending boutique hotel

A friend came back from Taiwan gave me is that Taipei ximending boutique hotel how good, how she liked, let me hasten to the last play with it, I can have fun once it wanted to see her happy, sheand he gave me was this Taipei ximending boutique hotel environment is very good, very comfortable, next time let me go to Taiwan must live in this Taipei ximending boutique hotel it, so do not give me that she wasted so much then, after that I came to Taiwan, also stayed at the Taipei ximending boutique hotel where you feel really is a friend to me said, but fortunately I finally chose this, really I liked this Taipei ximending boutique hotel, the next back good thank you friends.







日本 買樓

對于日本 買樓這個對我來說,我還真的是一點都不懂呢,所以最近我也是一直都在看一些日本 買樓的消息,也是希望我能知道更多的事情,這樣對我買樓來說就方便一些了,而且我不知道我事我也就趕緊的問老公了,也會和他一起商量的,而且這個這次日本 買樓也是我們商量了很久才決定的,而且我們也是的有一個好的房子了,不過老公還給我看了幾個日本 買樓感覺還是挺不錯的,最后還是決定就在那些裡面挑了,就買了一個我們喜歡的日本 買樓了。