Taipei four star
Want to give my client to arrange hotel, but I don’t know which hotel better, if the arrangement of the hotel is not good, to the customer left a bad impression is not. After asking a friend, he often live in the hotel, than I should know a little of it, I think so. A friend said yes he last went to the hotel, but also is not very far from our company, friends said the hotel that he live in the Taipei four star, or very good, so you can. After all, Taipei four star would have been considered very upscale hotel, if it is me but I am very happy to live so Ok Hotel, my friends also say definitely suitable for customers living arrangement.
日本 酒店
出門遊玩第一件事就是要找好住的地方,訂酒店成了頭等大事。要想有一個好的旅行的話,一定要好好制定旅遊計劃才行。去國外的話更是要提前準備好才行。去日本 酒店也是很講究的。日本是一個重視禮儀的國家,去之前要好好了解一下日本的文化才行,在日本 酒店怎麼樣才是比較禮貌,不能出現不好的行為,這些都是要注意的。畢竟是出國旅遊,首先要尊重人家國家的文化才行。日本 酒店的文化是要好好研究一下的,日後去的話也會方便很多。
Taipei Japanese restaurant
I didn’t know that in Taipei can also eat so authentic Japanese cuisine, is really too happy, since I returned back from Japan did not how to eat Japanese food, think of at that time in the school and the students often go to eat Taipei Japanese restaurant is such a happy thing then, after I come back often missing in Japan at that time to eat Japanese food thing. Today is the first day at work today, early on the way to work through a Taipei Japanese restaurant I was very curious, and the store was just opened, the environment is not bad so I want to have less air to the Taipei Japanese restaurant try their Japanese cuisine do what.
hualien attractions
This trip to Taiwan is really too good, thanks to the recommendation of a friend of Hualien attractions, we don’t have to go to crowded places, went to the scenery beautiful place. Hualien attractions is a very good tourist attractions, the scenery is very good. The inertia of the people who live in the city is really very rare encounter such a beautiful scenery, I in the Hualien attractions here is really good to relax a bit. Not much money to spend on this trip, but also play a very good. Later will find this is not very popular attractions, otherwise it is only to see the head. Taiwan many places is really very good, then I would also like to go to other places to play in Taiwan, should also have a different harvest.
台北 太陽餅
小區的樓開了一家小吃店,看著這幾天去的人挺多的,我也就去看了一下,沒想到是專門賣台北 太陽餅的,那可是我們家小米最愛吃的東西了,我就買了一點帶了回去,回去之后我就叫小米說給她帶了好東西了,她過來一看說是台北 太陽餅呀,太好了,她都好久沒有吃到了,實在是太想了,就拿著吃了起來,邊吃邊給我說我這次買的台北 太陽餅味道很好,比之前買過的都要好呢,說著就遞到我的嘴邊說讓我也吃一口,我就吃了一口,味道真得很好呢
現在的癌症控制技術真的太棒了。我也是前幾天才知道原來我們村的李大爺前段時間得了一場大病,說是查出來了什麽癌症一類的病呢。因為李大爺平時人特別的好,而且 年紀也不大,當時村里人聽說他得病的時候,好多人都心里難過,可是沒想到的是後來李大爺的兒子帶著李大爺一起做了癌症控制,說起這個癌症控制也真是神奇,差不多做了一個月的癌症控制李大爺的病情就好多了,而且現在已經痊癒了,昨天我還看到他在廣場上和好多的老頭們一起下棋呢。