Ximending luxury hotel
Before the mother said she wanted to travel to Taiwan this holiday I’m going to take my mother to go to Taiwan tourism, let her happy. The evening with my family in the chat when I give my parents and brother told me to take my mother to Taiwan tourism thing, he heard my story said he holiday there is still a lot to be said he won’t go, hear brother say that I say this to my mother two people travel to Taiwan, the elder brother hear I say said he could help me to arrange in the Ximending luxury hotel said the hotel when he was the last to go to Taiwan on business is the hotel accommodation is very good in the Ximending luxury hotel said, listen to the elder brother say things I also promise.
kamen rider
When living abroad I like Kamen Rider, have been almost my roommate to influence a group, remember the first year here who do not know, only know them, my two roommates are super like Kamen Rider, what Kamen Rider exhibition took me to I Kamen Rider, because they can understand more and more deep, to the end with them into Kamen Rider fans. In fact, Kamen Rider’s words have several series, I remember when the young have seen, but after growing up becomes interested in these things less and less. Until now be. Until now been roommates to influence me, became Kamen Rider’s steadfast fans.
台湾 凤梨酥
坐飛機去臺灣,想好好的玩一玩,因為那邊好玩的地方特別多,恰巧在一個商場裏碰到了一個好朋友,他是臺灣人,在商場中他向我談起臺灣的民俗風情,在他介紹中,我發現最多的是台湾 凤梨酥,在商場賣水果的區域,我買了一大袋,分了他一半。然後就開始邊聊天邊吃水果。台湾 凤梨酥不愧是臺灣人民喜歡的產品,並且在內陸也很有名,吃起來味道真的和其他的梨不一樣,可能是地域的原因,產出的味道真的出乎意料。吃完還想吃。
Ximending accommodation
Ximending accommodation to stay there, there would be indispensable for the environment as well as a service of praise, we all know very famous Ximending accommodation, almost all local Ran know, then outsiders because of his fame and the constant presence of. Honestly, before I do not believe there are points, but often listen to them, because I am a adventurous person, so in order to verify the authenticity of the flowers they say, it put a lot of things to travel abroad, and ran it , mobile Internet Baidu, went there to go there stay impulse.
日本 Pocket wifi
最近新買了一個手機,可是新手機是好玩,可是我的流量Hold不用住啊,每天下來都得用好多的流量的,我還正想著要是隨時隨地有日本 Pocket wifi應該有多好啊,我還正在想著呢。朋友就走過來給我說是有一個日本 Pocket wifi特別的方便的,那樣的話就可以走到哪都有wifi的。聽到這我 就開心了,這麼好的東西哪有賣的,當時我已經激動的不行了,于是我就問了一下朋友。後來朋友就把網址給我發了過來,我看了一下感覺還不錯,于是我就給自己也買了一個,可是現在就是不知道什麽時候給才可以給我郵過來。
東京 住宿
公司這次帶大家去日本旅遊真是很好玩,還安排在東京 住宿我這次在日本可是玩的太開心了還去了我之前一直想去的地方這次真是玩美了,從日本回來的時候我給家人買了一些當地的手工品回來之后我就把我買的禮物送給了家人媽媽就特別的喜歡,哥哥就問我這次去日本旅遊怎麼樣,我就告訴哥哥這次公司把我們安排在東京 住宿是一個特別好的酒店,哥哥聽了我講的事情就說我們公司這次可花費了不少費用,聽到哥哥那樣講我就說我們公司這次的待遇真是太好了。