
上次我們同學聚會,基本上我們班的人都到齊了,這個是我們自從大學畢業后我們第一次同學聚會了,現在大學的變化可真 太大了,大多數都已經成家了,而且現在還有好多已經成了大老闆,可是唯有一點我沒想到的是我們以前玩的挺好的一個女同學,她現在也已經有了自己的公司,可是唯一遺憾的是,她自己感覺都老了好多了,要比我們同齡人都要老好多,這也可能與她經常熬夜工作有關係吧,后來們一起還聊了一下,我心里還想著,現在的電波拉皮技術那么高,現在她事業方面已經不錯了,是應該去做了電波拉皮再有時間好好的保養一下自己了。

Taipei four star

To attend a friend’s wedding, did not think of a friend’s wedding was held in the Taipei four star, a friend’s wedding is really romantic, the key is the hotel friends choose special good, after the wedding in after friends back home I will give my boyfriend told me to Taipei four star in friends wedding things, my boyfriend told me when we got married, he will do the wedding in Taipei four star, her boyfriend as I pleased, I will tell my boyfriend after we do wedding will be more romantic, boyfriend told me he will give me a romantic wedding.



hualien attractions

Taiwan’s Hualien is really a good place, we went on a week hualien attractions over there to play, have fun, not how much money to spend, is really a bargain. hualien attractions here are many attractions are free, but the scenery is very good, very fit to play, we hualien attractions here took a lot of photos, come back to the family say that there is really beautiful. When I really want to go again, when the time to call on more friends to go with. Estimated future people to hualien attractions on more and more, and now is really difficult to find a few people and fun place, but in hualien attractions will not spend a lot of money, is the most suitable person like us.

台湾 五つ星 ホテル

私はあなたが台湾 五つ星 ホテルで夜を過ごすことができれば、台湾観光への旅が得ることが困難であるため、私は、コンテンツになると思いますが、彼女のボーイフレンドのために今、台湾観光に来る機会を持っていないために一緒に、会社を去る。気配りのボーイフレンド、私の考えを参照して、次に私たちは、通りを歩いて次の日を期待していなかった、彼は生きるために私を取るだろうし、私は彼が私と一緒に冗談を言っていたと思った、台湾 五つ星 ホテルに住むために私を取るために次の日に言った台湾 五つ星 ホテル、私は台湾で過ごした最後の夜は台湾 五つ星 ホテルであり、私は心の中で彼に非常に感謝し、非常に満足してみましょう。


My son’s English mess, I think now the summer holidays, or else find a training course for children learning English. Recommend a friend gave me say that next to our house cambridge English courses, teaching is good, their home before the children learned English on English courses in cambridge, now the focus of high school, I think a friend recommended to me this cambridge English course is good, so give children English courses in cambridge reported the name, from the beginning of school tomorrow, and I know my son is now somewhat heart complaints, after all, I deprived him of his playing time, but I am also for his good! After that I went to the child know it is also the intention to understand me, do not say anything, after finishing a good sleeping bags, waiting for tomorrow morning to go to tutoring in English yet.


前兩天帶老媽 去做了一個植牙以后,這段時間老媽每次出去都要給她的那些姐們做一個植牙推薦,說是自己做的這植牙有多么的好,然後這段時間好幾個鄰居都打電話問我老媽給他們做植牙推薦的醫院是在哪的,後來我給他們都介紹了這個醫院的地址,周末回家的時候都聽老媽說現在我們小區的有幾個人都去做了植牙了,都產效果非常的不錯。其實我也是看得出來的,因為自從給老媽做了植牙后,現在媽媽再也沒有出現過牙疼了,而且這段時間胃口也變好了。



Taipei Boutique Hotel

Colleagues have been saying these days is going to play with Taipei, but now even the identity she did not do it, how to go, we said that the proposal gave her the first to do a temporary ID card, to the time from Taipei after playing back the new ID cards to go do it, she said she did not want to so much trouble, she wanted to run again after the first card played in Taipei, so several other colleagues go first, several other former colleagues said they just look at the two side of the hotel in Taipei, has been determined to be a good stay in Taipei Boutique Hotel, it was already the Taipei Boutique Hotel rooms are a good book, she now says is not his first, that before you book hotels now doing less room, but fortunately can be booked back

