Taiwan Taipei hotel
The Taiwan Taipei hotel really is really good, I was in the hotel there lived so well, now I am at the Taiwan Taipei hotel I think it is very familiar with the! I think this a few years the Taiwan Taipei hotel is certainly not change much so I will feel familiar with it! Before the Taiwan Taipei hotel is very good, now I get after think though it looks does not change much but it is harder than ever to beautiful much, see I is really very happy, I really like this feeling! I will come to the Taiwan Taipei hotel.
關島 旅遊
我們的蜜月旅行我們就打算去關島 旅遊了,我真是很喜歡關島這個地方的,之前的時候我就去這家旅行社看過了,發現最近就是有關島 旅遊這個項目的,我真是很開心的!我想這個關島 旅遊用來當做蜜月旅行真是很不錯的!我把這個消息告訴了老婆以后她也是很高興的!其實現在要是去關島 旅遊的話也是花不了多少錢的,而且我們也是會玩的很好的!還有幾天我們就要啟程了真是很興奮的,我想這次的關島 旅遊我們一定會留下很多很美好的回憶的。
Taipei Japanese restaurant
My girlfriend likes Japanese cuisine, I often take him to eat, but this time to Taipei I am not familiar with here, so I don’t know whether Taipei Japanese restaurant which is quite good, although the Japanese cuisine is very good, but if you choose to there is no good restaurant, that also do not eat where to go, I definitely want my girlfriend to eat the best to eat Japanese food, we had two because meeting the relationship between work time is not much, so even if it’s just took him out to eat a meal, I also hope to be able to do what he likes. Then finally found a Taipei Japanese restaurant, the feeling is very good.
新竹 酒店
這里就是他們給我說的新竹 酒店嗎?我真是很喜歡的啊!開始的時候他們給我說新竹 酒店的時候我還以為是一家不大的酒店呢,但是等我過去的時候我就發現我真是錯了啊,這個新竹 酒店真是很不錯的,哪里都是洋溢著很高貴的氣質,我想要是在這家新竹 酒店里面住一晚上的話應該也是很爽的吧。我打算今天晚上就在這家新竹 酒店里面感受一下,我覺得我的朋友是不會騙我的,他說在這樣的酒店里面住一晚的話真是會感受到很多東西的,我很想試一試看呢。
where to stay in Taipei
Where to stay in Taipei, now I really don’t know the answer to this question, I came to Taipei’s time is not long so say I now for Taipei is still very strange! In fact, the beginning of my friends gave me when I came to Taipei will be where to stay in Taipei’s question but I really don’t believe but now at Taipei I found this problem is very serious! But I want to wait until my stay in Taipei for long time does not have the where to stay in Taipei problem, at that time I will be in Taipei to have a look!where to stay in Taipei,
Taipei Boutique Hotel
The friends all say you don’t what time in the TaipeiBoutique Hotel live, you are the most important thing now is to go home to your father an apology, so you can not in the Taipei Boutique Hotel live, can go back to your home, although I know how to do, but I am very grateful to them, because they still care about me, my people say you don’t think about it, if you do not go home, so I was in the Taipei Boutique Hotel lived, where I live is that the hotel which I think they are very good,also don’t know my dad know what will happen.